How to implement the spending policy? How to implement the spending policy?

How to implement the spending policy?

Mobility Heroes (2) Mobility Heroes (2)

Expense policies are defined by Employee Group within a Program.
To set them up, you will have to select the desired Program, then open the "Spending policy" section. You will then just have to lick on "Add group to program" then select the Group of employees for which you want to define the expense policy.

💡 You can also create a custom spending policy for specific employees.

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When adding the group, you will have to immediately set up the spending policy for this group. 

You will first have to indicate whether you want a yearly, quarterly or monthly expense policy, and define the amount of budget you want to allocate over the period.

  • Yearly: the budget allocated will be fully available, from the first day of the budget period defined by your program. However, you can decide to adapt this amount to the number of days worked during the budget period (e.g. an employee arriving during the year will only receive a part of the annual budget).
  • Quarterly: your employees will receive the amount you have defined on the first day of each quarter (ie. January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, October 1st). You can adapt this amount in proportion to the days worked during the quarter (e.g. an employee arriving on February 15th will only receive half of the budget for this quarter). You can also choose to reset the budget of your employees every quarter, or let them have the amount they did not consume during the previous quarter.
  • Monthly: your employees will receive the amount you have defined on the first day of each month. You can adapt this amount in proportion to the days worked during the month (e.g. an employee arriving on the 15th of the month will only receive half of the budget for that month). You can also choose to reset the budget of your employees every month, or let them have the amount they did not consume during the previous month.

You can also choose whether you want to hide the budget amount from your employees or not. If you decide to hide it, your employees will only see the amount they have spent, not the amount left to spend.

So in summary the parameters you can set are: 

  • The distribution: How often would you like the employee to receive a budget? (Yearly, Quarterly or Monthly)
  • The amount: Which amount would you like to be given in each period? 
  • Hide: Should the budget be hidden to the employee?
  • Reset: Should the budget reset each period, or should it accumulate? 
  • Adapt first period: Should the budget given in the first period be adapted to the number of days worked in that period? 

Finally, if a group with employees is added, you will have to determine a start date of these employees in this program. According to this start date, the initial budget of these employees will be calculated and displayed to you for further review. 


💡 Pay extra attention when saving a policy of a group that already has employees associated to it. Once the policy is saved, the employees will receive access to the program with the indicated budget amount: Once saved, it is not possible to edit most of the parameters of the spending policy anymore. The only parameter that can be edited is the "Hide the budget amount" parameter. 
As long as a group does not have employees in them, all parameters remain editable. 






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