Where can I see my expenses and what are the different statuses it can have? Where can I see my expenses and what are the different statuses it can have?

Where can I see my expenses and what are the different statuses it can have?

Mobility Heroes (2) Mobility Heroes (2)

You can see all your expenses in the dashboard and mobile application. To see more information of a specific expense, simply click on the expense. 

There are different type of expenses which can be recognised by the small icon next to it:

  • Reimbursement requests: expense you want to get reimbursed for on your payslip
  • Recurring reimbursement request: expense that gets created automatically every month
  • Kilometer allowances: allowance you want to get reimbursed for on your payslip
  • Card expenses: transaction you did with your payment card
  • Mobile app expenses: transaction you did with your mobile application

Next to that, every expense has a specific status:

  • Pending: the expense is waiting approval of your employer
  • Info required: the expense needs more info from the employee
  • Approved: the expense is approved
  • Reimbursed: the expense has been reimbursed or will be reimbursed on your next payslip
  • Refused: the expense is refused