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Skipr Next Gen
Access & getting started
What can I do with Skipr?
How to activate your Skipr account?
What mobility services do I have access to?
How can I consult my budget?
Where can I see my expenses and what are the different statuses it can have?
How can I pay with my Skipr card?
See all 8 articles
Mobile app
How to download the Skipr mobile app?
How can I buy STIB/MIVB tickets?
How can I buy a NMBS/SNCB ticket?
How can I buy and use a SNCB/NMBS Standard Multi in the mobile application?
How can I buy a ticket from De Lijn?
How can I know which MOBIB card is linked to my Skipr account?
See all 8 articles
Payment card
How do I order my physical payment card?
How to consult the PIN code of your payment card?
What should I do if my card payment has been declined?
What are payment card limits & how to adjust them?
Where can I see the details of my payment card?
How do I block my payment card in case of loss or theft?
See all 10 articles
Reimbursement requests
How do I add an expense I want to get reimbursed for?
How to request a reimbursement of housing costs 🇧🇪
How and when will I be reimbursed?
How do I add and delete a recurring reimbursement request?
How can I modify an expense?
How to duplicate a reimbursement request?
See all 8 articles
Kilometer allowances & telework
How to register my kilometer allowances?
How do I add a telework request?
Public transport subscriptions (France)
🇫🇷 How to declare my yearly public transport subscription?
Legal framework
🇧🇪 What is the mobility budget?
What is the commute budget?
What is a company specific budget?