How to validate a reimbursement request or a transaction? How to validate a reimbursement request or a transaction?

How to validate a reimbursement request or a transaction?

Mobility Heroes (2) Mobility Heroes (2)

Depending on the Service Rules and Policies you have in place at your company, you may need to validate your team members' reimbursement requests or transactions.

Reimbursement requests

To view the list of reimbursements to be validated, click on "Validations" in your menu. This will take you directly to the screen for the reimbursement requests you need to review.

Click on an expense to view its details and any supporting documents added by employees.

You can then take three actions:

  • Approve the request if it complies with your company's mobility policy, and the employee has filled out the necessary information.
  • Refuse the request if it does not comply.
  • Send a comment in case you need additional information from the employee to make a decision. The status of the expense will then change to "info required", and the employee will then receive an email and notification that they need to review it.

💡 You will be reminded of the approval policy at the bottom of the expense details.

Once the requests are validated, you will need to proceed with their reimbursement.


You may also have to approve transactions made by your employees via their Skipr card. To do so, click on the "Transactions" section in the "Validations" section.

You will see directly the pending transactions that need your approval.

As for the reimbursement requests, you have three actions to take:

  • Approve the transaction if it complies with your company's mobility policy, and the employee has filled out the necessary information.
  • Refuse the transaction if it is not compliant.
  • Send a comment in case you need additional information from the employee to make a decision. The status of the transaction will then change to "info required", and the employee will receive an email and notification to review it.

💡 If you also have a user account, you'll be able to switch between your admin and user dashboard in the bottom left corner.
