How do I reallocate a card expense to another Mobility program? How do I reallocate a card expense to another Mobility program?

How do I reallocate a card expense to another Mobility program?

Mobility Heroes (2) Mobility Heroes (2)

If you are a member of more than one Mobility Program, your Skipr Card spending will always be linked to your default Mobility Program (set by your company). However, you can easily reallocate your expense to another program via your app or dashboard by following the steps below:

  • For an expense with the status "approved" or "pending": click on your expense to see the details, then click on the "Modify Program" button in the "Allocation" section
  • For an expense with the status "info required": click on your expense to see the details, then click on the "Update Request" button at the bottom of the expense

💡 It is not possible to reallocate an expense that has the status "denied".

💡 You can only reallocate the expense to a Program that has a sufficient budget.

💡 You can only reallocate the expense to a Program that allows the Service of your expense.